Friday, May 31, 2013

worth a shit

Life is full

Life is full 
Of painful shit
Shattered dreams
And excrement
But without
The pain
And nasty shit
Life and love
Beauty and 
what comes with it
Hopes and dreams 
Would have no fulfilment 
So no matter how
I bemoan my days
The thought that comes
And always stays
How lucky I am
Even though
Some days
Aren't worth a shit

Chris McQueeney    5/31/13    12:36 P.M.


  1. i am glad you can keep perspective...even on the shitty days man...knowing it is worth it...and lucky....but i hear you man...

  2. It's so true! We forget...that without horrendous thirst, we would not know the glory of water. Without gnarling hunger, the meal would not taste as good. But hell, I'm sorry you're having a shitty day. Blech. Phooey. Arrrrgh!

    XO friend

  3. Just lovely...
    Without the bad - how could we ever savor the goodness of the sweet?

  4. And sometimes there's nothing but enough already!



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