So tight
Remember holding my hand
So tight
As if afraid of
Letting go
Finger tips red
Knuckles white
My hand can still feel
The tingle
The blood rushing back
All these years later
You were right
I should never have let go
Chris McQueeney 1/20/13
11:24 P.M.
mmm...hard to look back on those times we should not have let go...for sure...
It's funny Brian, I intended to write a warm and fuzzy...but...the words do what they want:-)
Awww...hang on Chris.
Hopefully we learn from those lost woes.... moving forward, rising high!
This brings back a lot of memories.
It's hard to look back at times...but I can't live in "what if" for too long at a time.
To cast a long, lingering look behind - la nostalgie...
Yes...sometimes we let go too quickly!
Well said.
We should not let go too easily.
I like this one...the sense of sweet nostalgia and regret, mixed.
I love how your poem is open to many interpretations ... :)
I am glad to see you here again, my friend.
Waiting For Harry
You have promised me
you will come back home this year.
You said so, phoning
that message through snaps
and hisses they say, remnant
of the flash and noise
that started it all.
You astride mountains, Khyber
Pass, some other not
named, still at such risk -
you promised you would not flinch
but I flinch, I do.
Still, I can't let go.
January 21, 2013 6:55PM
I look back too Chris. -and at my most confused times I find the past seems to have better answers. That 'trick' may be true sometimes, but just as often I am really looking for a part of myself
You do a lot with just a few words. Another nice one
the deepened wrinkles of hands still missing an older embrace... oh the times we shouldnt have let go...
I ached when I read this because it was the alternative side of the poem I wrote. Those "what ifs" forever play with our hearts....
Beautiful, Wander.
I think we all can relate to this Chris....we all have those kind of regrets.....beautiful writing as always. :-)
I dunno. Hopefully a time comes when letting go leads to a better place.
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