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Wednesday, October 9, 2013



Maybe I really did die
That day
And…my life
Hasn’t gone astray
Just stuck
In limbo
My vision the window
My forehead stuck to
That day

Chris McQueeney    10/9/13    2:40 P.M.

This is the ….I don’t know 7th day in this facility and I am learning
a lot(no not jail). The thing that has been brought up over and over in the last few months is that I have to make accommodations for my disability, rather than excuses…get the help I need, take positive action in my own life…due to my stay in the hospital I doubt that I will get the chance to go to Texas, and I am very sad about that, but I gotta do what I gotta do.
Yesterday was a very hard one for me, today not much better but at least  I have a day that could  be bad…rather than a headstone…………………………………………………

    Wander    10/9/13

Monday, October 7, 2013

This has been a long trip through crazy town…something happened to me a year ago when I was hurt at work, and I hadn’t had the correct language skills to express what I  really needed. The last 9 months have been hell for me…I have watched my life systematically destroyed, knowing it was happening, and I chose to do it on purpose so I could live long enough to write this to all of you.
Thank all of you; I’ll be back on tomorrow with a piece to post and some hellos….

Wander    10/7/13    8:48 PM