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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

To see or not to see...

The hubris of sight

The blind are blind
Not by design,
Nor choice
Not a matter of finding
The voice of their eyes
As if sight came about
By practice
Sheer will
Clearly defined
Followed to the line
Planned to the T
Goal oriented maps
Laid out to find your way to sight
Are you fucking kidding me?
Blind is blind
What good is a technicolor
That can only be used
If you can see
Before you tried
Think this too dramatic
Not in the least
This was simply an anology
An example
Clearly defined
To show you
How little you see
Even though you have sight

Chris McQueeney ©2016

1 comment:

Shadow said...

We only see what we're allowed to see, or, what we allow ourselves to see...