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Sunday, February 9, 2014

X Y & Z

I am stressing my medication situation, and pondering the act of assumption and how it can either unwarrantably improve or harm someones position in life...and how much of my life over the last year and a half has been driven by the assumptions of others ( I'm not overlooking myself here but that is a whole different conversation...)people don't even realize that at times their assumptions are based on assumptions at times started from a snapshot of a situation..."well I assumed that you were x because if you weren't doing y you had to be x and that you would z if it were any different than that" in that statement, which I have heard, maybe worded differently, a thousand times over the last six months is an example of basing a number of assumptions off of a root assumption which might then compel one to then act in error...
Life is not algebra, I wish I wasn't contemplating how my life, or any ones for that matter, became an equation quantified by the factors x y and z...I fucking hate algebra, and I fucking hate how many assumptions and their subsequent justification based actions have impacted my everyday life for a year and a half now...a year and a half ago I was injured on the job, and am still very much suffering direct as well as indirect consequences of that injury. Sometimes excuses are actually examples, and reasons may just be justified actions based on false assumptions. At times life is bigger than the analogies used to describe it, and at times platitudes are just assumptions, fell between the cracks, sometimes bad things happen to good people, shit happens, finally, there's always tomorrow.

Chris McQueeney 5:00 AM    feb


christopher said...

This too is part of what you must navigate. Go ahead and hate it and remember that everyone has to navigate this stuff. We probably hate it too when conditions ripen and jam this stuff in our faces.

Or perhaps some of us learn how to do what is necessary to toughen up and walk proud beneath the burden. The nineties did this to me. Then I found a way through but people really didn't like that! I look back and know both that I did the right thing and that I would do it again. I know it was right because what came next worked so well.

I hope you find your way. As Norman liked to say back in the day when his life was total crap, "It's a great life if you don't flinch."

Wander said...

Thank you My friend...tiz a tough place to be...and strange for it shifts constantly....