Blah Blah Blah

I'm not here right now, leave your name and number after the beep.......

Friday, November 7, 2014

Prozac to jack me up


Psych med sky

Down in the dumps
With the Thorazine shuffle
Like a pig looking for a truffle
Root around on the linoleum
For a while
Breaking the monotony
Only every so often
With some Prozac
To jack me up
Time to be
Down in the dumps
With the Thorazine shuffle
Or is it time
For the Prozac
To jack up your life
Ruffle my feathers
Watch me fly
Striking all the colors
Across this psych med sky

Chris McQueeney 11/7/14

Who pulls away now
Shall forever be broken
In this light of mine

Chris McQueeney    11/7/14

1 comment:

kj said...

hi chris, it's hard to know what's going on with you. i'm so glad you're writing and this is a good poem.

it reflects the down and ups of life, eh?
