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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

We like um

Clarion call

We take all sorts around here
Not one for the usual normally
We like um twisted sideways
The more sideways you are
The more credibility you have
So with this clarion call you need
But to answer before time runs out
We are generous to those that qualify
But hard on those less qualified
You’ll see we need and want you around
You will find your place among us
Finding it a pleasant experience or two
But not to discourage you before you
Take that step with no hope of return
For we are a lifetime fraternity and we deal
Deserters with a very heavy hand

Chris McQueeney    11/22/14

That time of year is upon us! We either love it or hate it but Christmas is almost here, welcome. I want to tell you about the good things that can come with that but I think I will wait for tomorrow for that.....Happy holidays to you!!!

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